
segunda-feira, 31 de março de 2014

International Conference University of Leicester 29-30 April 2014

Translation News
31st March 2014

Key Cultural Texts in Translation
International Conference
University of Leicester
29-30 April 2014

Call for Participation
Fourth International PhD course in Translation Process Research (TPR)
CRITT - Copenhagen Business School
7-11 July 2014
Contact: Bartolomé Mesa-Lao (

TISLID’14 - Second International Workshop on Technological Innovation for Specialized Linguistic Domains: Lifelong Learning on the Move
Avila (Spain)
7-9 May 2014

Call for Papers
TRANSLATA II 2nd International Conference on Translation and Interpreting Studies
Translation Studies and Translation Practice
University of Innsbruck
30th October – 1st November 2014

Call for Papers
LINGUISTICA ANTVERPIENSIA, NEW SERIES – Themes in Translation Studies (14/2015)
Towards a Genetics of Translation

Proposals:  abstracts of approximately 500 words, including some relevant bibliography, should be submitted by 1st August 2014 to Chiara Montini (
Acceptance of proposals: 1st of September 2014
Submission of articles: 1st of February 2015
Acceptance of articles: 30th of April 2015
Publication: November-December 2015

sexta-feira, 28 de março de 2014

Verificando seu texto em inglês!

Para verificar se seu texto em inglês está correto!!

quinta-feira, 27 de março de 2014

2014 International Conference on Translation Education

Translation Studies/Digital Humanities: Fully-funded PhD Studentship: Version, Variation, Visualization:

Call for Participation
2014 International Conference on Translation Education
Computer-Aided Teaching of Translation: Theory, Practice and New Technologies
16-17 August 2014
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Contact Persons: Tian Lu, Wang Honghua, Email:

Call for papers
The first "Value of Language" users' conference will take place in Brussels on 12 June 2014.
Submission deadline: 31 March 2014.
More information:

Call for papers
 Transferring Cultural Images: Parallels between Stereotyping and Globalising
Yeditepe University, Istanbul, 16-17 Sep 2014

For all information, visit the conference website
Please note the deadline for abstract submission: 25 April 2014.

Call for papers
Translation and Culture 5: Translation as a Part of Cultural Space History and New Trends in Translation Studies
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia
Conference date: 17 – 18 September 2014
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 31 May 2014 (to
More information:

sábado, 15 de março de 2014

The Journal of Specialised Translation!

Issue 21 of the Journal of Specialised Translation is out!
The Journal of Specialised Translation has published its next non-thematic issue. It contains a collection of papers on medical translation (Køhler, Karwarcka), scientific translation (Shuttleworth, Tsai), localisation (Torres de Rey & Rodríguez-V.-de-Aldana), audiovisual translation (Zarate & Eliahoo, Rica-Peromingo) and transcultural issues (Le Poder, Cómitre Narváez & Valverde Zambrana). The papers are accompanied by interviews about terminology, institutional translation and media translation. The papers are available at
The JOSTRANS has celebrated its tenth anniversary last year. It has experienced a spectacular growth since the first issue in 2004. We are ranked INT2 by ERIH and we have recently been awarded Classe A in Italy.
best regards
Lucja Biel, Deputy Editor

Łucja Biel
Assistant Professor
Institute of Applied Linguistics
University of Warsaw

Secretary General
European Society of Translation Studies

Deputy Editor
The Jostrans - The Journal of Specialised Translation

quarta-feira, 12 de março de 2014


UCL offers a doctoral scholarship to start in October 2014 and to carry research on:
Television subtitling for deaf and hearing-impaired viewers: a route to improve English language skills for UK migrants with normal hearing
Supervisor Pair: Professor Bencie Woll and Dr Jorge Díaz-Cintas
Potential Student’s Home Department: PaLS/DCAL
A major concern in relation to migrants is the development of English language skills and of acculturation to British society. Television has a powerful role to play in both of these. There is evidence from several studies that use of television subtitling can enhance literacy skills in deaf and hearing-impaired viewers – both children and adults. The proposed project will explore the current and potential use of television subtitling to support the development of spoken English and English literacy in migrants to the UK with normal hearing. The first stage will explore current uses of subtitling by migrants and attitudes to subtitling and the development of English language skills; the second stage will develop an intervention programme in conjunction with a small number of migrant advisory groups and FE colleges offering English language courses for migrants. Skills in English and acculturation/identity ratings will be measured both before and after intervention for comparison with non-users of subtitling. Feedback from users will form part of a guidance document for subtitlers and for those involved in English language education for migrants. This project is unique in applying provision for the deaf community to a wider population and combines expertise in subtitling (Diaz-Cintas) and deaf people’s language development and literacy (Woll).
Dr Jorge Díaz-Cintas
Director of Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS)
University College London
50 Gordon Square, Room 206
London WC1H 0PQ

Tel.: +44 (0)20 7679 9363
Internal: 09363

terça-feira, 11 de março de 2014

I International Conference on Translation and Interpreting

Discussing Translation: Art, Mediation or Professionalization?
I International Conference on Translation and Interpreting
University of Murcia
10-12 September 2014

Translation is a many-faceted activity. It may be an art for those who, observing from a distance, marvel at its most creative and seductive side; a powerful mediation tool for those with the opportunity to experience the support and solidarity of its most humanitarian work; an arduous and less idealized profession for those who practice it on a daily basis. By typecasting translation into watertight categories, definitions often fail to account for its manifold nature and the intricate system of factors underlying it. This I International Conference on Translation and Interpreting, organized by the Translation and Interpreting Department of the University of Murcia (10-12 September, 2014), aims at fostering critical thinking in the field, examining the multiple faces of translation and reflecting on feasible ways to bring this activity closer to researchers, students, teachers and professionals within the field.
The working languages of the conference will be Spanish, English and French, but papers exploring aspects of other languages (Italian, German, Arabic) are also welcome. Participation is open to scholars, students and teachers in the field of Translation Studies, as well as to professional translators and interpreters, translation companies, linguists, terminologists, publishers, etc.
Confirmed Plenary Speakers:
Frank Austermühl. The University of Auckland, New Zealand. Xosé Castro. Professional translator, and radio and TV presenter. Erik Hertog. Legal interpreter. Minako O’Hagan. Dublin City University.
Closure event: II EETEUM – II Conference on Translation for the Publishing Industry. University of Murcia. 12 September 2014
Translators awarded with the National Translation Prize:
María Teresa Gallego Urrutia Olivia de Miguel Crespo Carmen Montes CanoÁngel Luis Pujante
Submission of abstracts:
Abstracts for papers or posters in one of the following areas are welcome: 1) Translation and Interpreting Theory and History
2) Specialised Translation (Scientific, Technical, Economic, Legal, Sworn and Judicial)
3) Audiovisual Translation (Dubbing, Subtitling, AD, SDH)
4) Software, Website and Videogame Localization, MT (Machine Translation), Manual post-editing, etc.
5) Literary and Humanistic Translation
6) Conference Interpreting and Public Service Interpreting
7) Terminology, Documentation and Computer Technology Applied to Translation
8) Didactics of Translation and Interpreting
9) Linguistics and Translation
10) Interdisciplinary or Cross-disciplinary Topics Related to Culture or the Translation of Culture
11) Professional Aspects of Translation and Interpreting
Participants must fill out the attached form and send their proposals to by 1st May 2014. Abstracts shall contain an overview of max. 300 words. Only proposals in Spanish, English or French will be accepted. Papers are allotted 20 minutes for presentation followed by 10 minutes for discussion. Acceptance of proposals will be communicated by 1st June 2014.

Registration fee: € 150 Early bird registration fee (deadline 1st July): € 130 Student registration fee: € 50 Special unemployment registration fee (on submission of UI): € 30

segunda-feira, 10 de março de 2014

Conferência! Call for papers!

Innovation Paths in Translation and Intercultural Studies
Call for Presentations
(panels, papers, roundtables, workshops, “rapid fire” presentations, and posters)

Following successful conferences in Seoul (2004), Cape Town (2006), Melbourne (2009) and Belfast (2012), IATIS is delighted to announce its call for panel, paper, roundtable, workshop, “rapid fire” PhD presentation and poster proposals for its fifth conference, which will be held at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil, from 7th to 10th July 2015.

Conference Theme

Multilingual and multimodal forms of interaction, prompted by material and symbolic exchanges in our increasingly globalized world, have brought new challenges to translation and intercultural studies. New technologies in the broadest sense of the word are sought by society in order to allow for a diversity of meanings to be created, exchanged, and disseminated on the basis of equality, complementarity and reciprocity. In this scenario, studies promoting and seeking innovation play a fundamental role in providing insights and solutions to meet those challenges.

The theme of the conference – ‘Innovation Paths in Translation and Intercultural Studies’ – is meant to foster exchanges and discussions on the topic.

Within the scope of IATIS 2015, innovation is understood in its broadest sense and includes not only new technological developments but also other relevant aspects, such as social and cultural innovation, including all forms of innovation which lead to changes in interactions and practices in translation and intercultural studies.

For further details, visit the conference website:

Language policy
The V IATIS Conference will be trilingual, with presentations given in English, Portuguese or Spanish. Abstracts, however, will be solicited in English only. This will assure consistency in the peer-reviewed assessment of all submissions.

Confirmed Keynote Speakers
• Arnt Lykke Jakobsen, Professor Emeritus, founder and former Director of the Centre for Research and Innovation in Translation and Translation Technology (CRITT) at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
• Antia Bassey, Associate Professor at the University of Western Cape, South Africa.
• Lucia Specia, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield University, UK.
• Sabine Braun, Director of the Centre for Translation Studies in the School of English and Languages at the University of Surrey, UK.

Presentation Formats
Proposals for participation in the V IATIS Conference can be submitted in the following formats: Panels, Oral Communications, Roundtables, Workshops, “Rapid Fire” PhD Oral Presentations, and Posters.

For precise guidelines on submissions, visit the conference website:

Key deadlines
For Panel Proposals:
15th APRIL 2014 – Deadline for submission of proposals by potential panel convenors
20th MAY 2014 – Notification of acceptance to panel convenors
14th JULY 2014 – Deadline for submission of abstracts for individual communications within a specific panel
15th SEPTEMBER 2014 – Deadline for submission of assessment report by panel convenors on the abstracts they received
25th OCTOBER 2014 - Notification of acceptance of complete panels

For Individual Communication outside of Panel sessions, Workshops, Roundtables, Rapidfire PhD Presentations, and Posters:
1st SEPTEMBER 2014 – Deadline for submission of abstracts
10th NOVEMBER 2014 – Notification of acceptance
For proposals that change format upon recommendation of the Advisory Board:
10th NOVEMBER 2014 – Deadline for resubmission of abstracts rejected in their original format
but recommended by the Advisory Board for another format
30th NOVEMBER 2014 – Notification of acceptance


To join our Newsletter:

Conference website:

Fabio Alves
Professor Titular de Estudos Linguísticos: Estudos da Tradução/Full Professor for Translation Studies
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Lingüísticos/Graduate Program in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics

Laboratório Experimental de Tradução/Laboratory for Experimentation in Translation (LETRA)
Fone: +55 (31) 34096095
Fax:   +55 (31) 34096004